Veteran Central uses 35% of all donations received to fund our available scholarships. Recipients must create an educational success plan on Veteran Central and post monthly progress updates which are only viewable to our eCommunity members. These scholarships help low income families be able to afford training and education in specific fields Veteran Central deems needed by current and future high growth job industries.
2013 Scholarships Focus:
Veteran Central plans to use donations to fund scholarships in the following growing job markets:
- Information Technology
- Cybersecurity
- Energy industry
- Virtual support
- Small business creation
Current Available Scholarships
Mobile App Development School – We have a $1,000 scholarship available to put a Veteran or their caregiver through an app development certification program. We work closely with companies like ProcessUSA, who assist veterans with work at home opportunities. Once certified, graduates will be able to design and develop and iPhone app or Droid app for their small business or can enter the high paying app development job market. Veteran Central has a large network of IT companies looking to hire American app developers who can work virtually from their home. If you are interested in becoming an app developer, then please apply below. We will update applicants on the selection process over the next few months.